IBM Books

Installation and Initial Configuration Guide

Managing Operational Code and Configuration Files

To help you manage operational software upgrades and configurations, the IBM 2212 has a software change management feature. This utility enables you to determine which operational software file and configuration file are active while the IBM 2212 is running. It also has a service recovery interface that enables you to perform many of the same tasks.


You might find it difficult to detect problems caused by configuration errors. A configuration error can initially appear to be a hardware problem because the 2212 will not start or data will not flow through a port. In addition, problems with configuration may not result in an error initially; an error may occur only when specific conditions are encountered or when heavy network traffic occurs.

If you cannot resolve a problem after making a few changes to your configuration or after restoring the active configuration file, it is recommended that you generate a new configuration. Too many changes to a configuration often compound the problem, whereas you can usually generate and test a new configuration within a few hours.

Backing Up the Active Configuration

How do I use the OPCON command-line interface to backup the active configuration?

You can backup the active configuration file by using the command-line interface to copy a configuration file to an available bank, and then lock the bank to protect the file. To do so, issue the following commands:

  1. From the OPCON prompt *, type talk 6 and press Enter to reach the Config> prompt. If the Config> prompt does not appear, press Enter again.

  2. At the Config> prompt:

    1. Type boot and press Enter.

    2. Type copy configuration and press Enter. You will be prompted for the following information as shown in the example.

      • Source bank (A or B)

      • Source configuration file (1, 2, 3, or 4). Up to four configuration files can be associated with each bank.

      • Destination bank (A or B)

      • Destination for configuration file (1, 2, 3, or 4)
         Boot config> copy config
         Copy FROM Bank number? A
         Copy FROM Config number? 1
         Copy TO Bank number? B
         Copy TO Config number? 1

    3. To prevent the device from overwriting the selected configuration, type lock and press Enter.

      You will be prompted for the source bank (A or B) and the source configuration file. These locations are the destination bank and the configuration you specified in the step 2b.

    4. Optionally, you can use the add command to add a description of the backup configuration file.

Checking the Software and Configuration File Level

How do I check the level of software loaded on my IBM 2212?

To check the level of the operational software image stored in the IBM 2212, access the Boot config> prompt or the SVC> prompt, and then type describe. The Product ID, microcode version number, release number, maintenance number, PTF, Feature, and RPQ numbers and the date of the operational software image are displayed.

To display information on a configuration file loaded on the IBM 2212, access the Boot config> prompt or the SVC> prompt, and then type list. For each configuration file that is loaded, its bank, internal location (for example, CONFIG 1), version, and level is displayed.

Copying a File Using the Copy Command

How do I copy a load image or configuration file from one bank in the IBM 2212 to another?


The copy command allows you to copy a load image or configuration file from one location on the hard drive or compact flash to another. This command allows you to change the status as well. The file that you copy always receives the status of the storage area that it is copied to.

From the OPCON (*) prompt:

  1. At the OPCON (*) prompt, type talk 6 and press Enter. The Config> prompt will be displayed.

  2. At the Config> prompt, type boot and press Enter. The Boot config> prompt will be displayed.

  3. At the Boot config> prompt, to copy a configuration file, type the following commands:
       Boot config> copy config
       Copy FROM Bank number? A
       Copy FROM Config number? 1
       Copy TO Bank number? B
       Copy TO Config number? 1

    To copy a load image, at the Boot config> prompt, type copy load. You will be prompted for the source bank (A or B) and destination bank (A or B).

From the SVC> prompt:

  1. Access the SVC> prompt. (See Accessing the Service Recovery Prompt (SVC>)).

  2. At the SVC> prompt and press Enter, type copy. You will be prompted for the rest of the information, as shown in the following example.
    |                                                                                |
    |svc>copy                                                                        |
    |        BankA ---+--------- Description ----------+------ Date -------+         |
    || IMAGE - PENDING        |                           | 10 Feb 1998 17:46 |      |
    || CONFIG 1 - AVAIL       |                           | 10 Feb 1998 17:46 |      |
    || CONFIG 2 - AVAIL       |                           | 09 Jan 1998 10:40 |      |
    || CONFIG 3 - AVAIL       |                           | 06 Jan 1998 15:46 |      |
    || CONFIG 4 - PENDING *   |                           | 02 Jan 1998 11:51 |      |
    |+------ BankB -----------+--Description ----------+------ Date -------+         |
    || IMAGE - AVAIL          |                           | 14 Feb 1998 15:38 |      |
    || CONFIG 1 - AVAIL   *   |                           | 03 Feb 1998 14:43 |      |
    || CONFIG 2 - AVAIL       |                           | 22 Jan 1998 13:43 |      |
    || CONFIG 3 - AVAIL       |                           | 06 Jan 1998 17:25 |      |
    || CONFIG 4 - AVAIL       |                           | 26 Jun 1998 09:48 |      |
    |                                                                                |
    |Load or Config? c                                                               |
    |Enter source bank : a                                                           |
    |Enter source config <1-4>: 3                                                    |
    |Enter destination bank : b                                                      |
    |Enter destination config <1-4>: 3                                               |
    |/hd0/sys0/CONFIG2 --> /hd0/sys1/CONFIG2                                         |
    |Copy configuration commmand successful!                                         |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

If you copy an image, the same rules apply except that image files can be copied only from bank to bank. These steps describe how the copy of an image affects the image that was previously in the bank:

  1. The copy overwrites the image that was previously in the bank.

  2. The copy acquires the status of the image that was previously in the bank.

Erasing Files

How do I erase the contents of a bank in the IBM 2212?


To erase a file, at the Boot config> prompt or the SVC> prompt, type erase and press Enter, and then follow the prompts.

If you select a file to erase with a status of CORRUPT or NONE, the erase option is discontinued.

Note that the following rules apply to erasing files from the IBM 2212:

Getting a Configuration File from a Workstation to the IBM 2212

How do I get a file from the workstation on which the configuration program is running to the IBM 2212?

To get a configuration file from the workstation on which the configuration program is running to the IBM 2212, you have the following options:

Restoring a Backup Version of Code

How do I restore a backup version of operational code or a configuration file?

You can restore the backup version of code from either the Boot Config> prompt or the SVC> prompt. Use the SVC> prompt when you cannot access the normal operational console.

  1. To access the Boot Config> prompt, at the OPCON prompt (*), type talk 6 and press Enter to reach the Config> prompt. If the Config> prompt does not appear, press Enter again. At the Config> prompt, type boot and press Enter.

    To access the SVC> prompt, use the procedure described on page Accessing the Service Recovery Prompt (SVC>).

  2. At either prompt, type the set command, press Enter, and follow the prompts to select the previously active code bank and configuration.

  3. From the Boot Config> prompt, type reload and press Enter. From the SVC> prompt, type reboot and press Enter.

Transferring Files Using TFTP

How do I TFTP operational code and configuration files onto the IBM 2212?

Use TFTP to transfer software code loads and configuration files from a workstation or server to the IBM 2212. You will need to substitute your own values for the IP address and path, which are given as examples. The number of bytes received is also an example. You can use TFTP from the SVC> prompt or the OPCON (*) prompt as described in the following sections.
Note:You transfer the files to banks within the IBM 2212. The banks represent the directories that have been created automatically; you do not have to be concerned about transferring the files to a particular directory within the IBM 2212.

TFTP File Transfer using the Operating Software

  1. From the OPCON prompt (*), type talk 6 and press Enter to reach the Config> prompt. If the Config> prompt does not appear, press Enter again.

  2. Type boot and press Enter. The Boot config> prompt is displayed.

  3. To get the software code load, type tftp get load mod and press Enter. To get a configuration file, type tftp get config and press Enter.

    You cannot overwrite a currently active bank image or configuration file.

  4. When prompted, specify the IP address of the TFTP server.

  5. When prompted, specify the path/file name for the code load or config file.

  6. When prompted, specify the bank in which you want the code load or config file written. If you are transferring a config file, you are prompted for the config file (1 through 4) in which you want to transfer the configuration data.

    The following example shows a software code load:

      * talk 6
      Config> boot
      Boot config>tftp get load mod
    Boot config>tftp get load mod                                                  
    +------ BankA -----------+--------- Description ----------+------ Date -------+
    | IMAGE - AVAIL          |                                | 10 Aug 1998 16:03 |
    | CONFIG 1 - AVAIL   *   | cc_158e                        | 10 Aug 1998 16:06 |
    | CONFIG 2 - NONE        |                                | 10 Aug 1998 16:49 |
    | CONFIG 3 - NONE        |                                |                   |
    | CONFIG 4 - NONE        |                                |                   |
    +------ BankB -----------+--------- Description ----------+------ Date -------+
    | IMAGE - ACTIVE         |                                | 10 Aug 1998 13:23 |
    | CONFIG 1 - AVAIL       | cc_158e                        | 10 Aug 1998 13:23 |
    | CONFIG 2 - ACTIVE  *   | cc_158e                        | 11 Aug 1998 10:21 | 
    | CONFIG 3 - NONE        |                                |                   | 
    | CONFIG 4 - NONE        |                                |                   |
      * - Last Used Config      L - Config File is Locked                
     Auto-boot mode is enabled.                                          
    Specify the server IP address (dotted decimal): []
    Specify the remote modules directory: :(/u/bin/) /tftpboot/2212a
    Select the destination bank: (A,B): [A] a
    TFTP SW load modules                                                   
      get:   /tftpboot/2212a/LML.ld                                        
      to:    bank A.                                                       
    TFTP transfer of /hd0/sys0/LML.ld complete, size=6318 status: OK       
    TFTP transfer of /hd0/sys0/os.ld complete, size=740936 status: OK      
    TFTP transfer of /hd0/sys0/snmp.ld complete, size=243980 status: OK    
    TFTP transfer of /hd0/sys0/sysext.ld complete, size=154409 status: OK  
    TFTP transfer of /hd0/sys0/initblk.ld complete, size=66022 status: OK  
    TFTP transfer of /hd0/sys0/tkflash.ld complete, size=131558 status: OK 
    TFTP transfer of /hd0/sys0/diags.ld complete, size=228496 status: OK   
    TFTP transfer of /hd0/sys0/router.ld complete, size=5849916 status: OK  
    TFTP transfer of /hd0/sys0/router.ld complete, size=5849916 status: OK 
    TFTP transfer of /hd0/sys0/nstation.ld complete, size=632700 status: OK
    TFTP transfer of /hd0/sys0/appn.ld complete, size=3004451 status: OK   
    TFTP transfer of /hd0/sys0/tn3270e.ld complete, size=142874 status: OK 
    TFTP transfer of /hd0/sys0/encrypt.ld complete, size=1867 status: OK   
    TFTP transfer of /hd0/sys0/LMX.ld complete, size=1044 status: OK       
    Operation completed successfully.                                      
    Boot config>                                                           

  7. Type set and press Enter to cause the bank and config file that you just transferred the code load or configuration data into to become active at the next reload/restart. You will be prompted for the destination source bank and configuration file. Until you reload the IBM 2212, the state of the bank is pending.

  8. Type reload and press Enter if you transferred new operational code. Type restart if you transferred a new configuration file.

TFTP File Transfer using the Service Recovery Interface (SVC)

Use the Service Recovery Interface (SVC>) to transfer new software onto the IBM 2212 only if you are replacing the hard drive or compact flash, or the software on both banks A and B is corrupted and you are replacing it. To use TFTP at the SVC> prompt, follow these steps:

  1. Access the SVC> prompt. See Accessing the Service Recovery Prompt (SVC>).

  2. Type interface and press Enter to define the IBM 2212 LAN interface and IP address over which to transfer the files.

  3. At the SVC> prompt, type TFTP and press Enter.

  4. Specify whether you want to TFTP a software code load (load) or a configuration file (config). You will be prompted for the rest of the information. The following example shows a software code load.
    |svc>tftp                                                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |-------BankA-------+---------- Description -------+------ Date -------+         |
    || IMAGE - PENDING        |                            | 10 Feb 1998 17:46 |     |
    || CONFIG 1 - AVAIL       |                            | 10 Feb 1998 17:46 |     |
    || CONFIG 2 - AVAIL       |                            | 09 Jan 1998 10:40 |     |
    || CONFIG 3 - AVAIL       |                            | 06 Jan 1998 15:46 |     |
    || CONFIG 4 - PENDING *   |                            | 02 Jan 1998 11:51 |     |
    |+------ BankB -------+--------- Description ----------+------ Date -------+     |
    || IMAGE - AVAIL          |                            | 03 Feb 1998 14:42 |     |
    || CONFIG 1 - AVAIL   *   |                            | 03 Feb 1998 14:43 |     |
    || CONFIG 2 - AVAIL       |                            | 22 Jan 1998 13:43 |     |
    || CONFIG 3 - AVAIL       |                            | 06 Jan 1998 17:25 |     |
    |  | CONFIG 4 - AVAIL       |                                | 26 Jun 1998 09:48 |
    |+------------------------+--------------------------------+----                 |
    |Load or Config?                                                                 |
    |Specify the server IP Address:                                         |
    |Specify the remote directory:   /u/2212/swload                                  |
    |Enter destination bank : b                                                      |
    |                                                                                |
    |tftping load modules... please be patient.                                      |
    |                                                                                |

  5. Type set and press Enter to cause the bank and config file that you just transferred the code load or configuration data into to become active at the next reboot. You will be prompted for the destination source bank and configuration file. Until you reload the IBM 2212, the state of the bank is pending.

  6. Type reboot and press Enter.

Transferring Files Using Zmodem

How do I use Zmodem to transfer operational code and configuration files onto the IBM 2212?


Access the SVC> prompt. From the SVC> prompt, type zmodem and press Enter. You will be prompted to specify the bank for the image files or the bank and the config number for the configuration files that you transfer. The interface for transferring is designed so that you cannot overwrite any ACTIVE file.

For transfers via modem, each load module must be separately named and transferred individually.
Note:When using Zmodem to transfer a multiple load module image (several files ending in .ld), you must transfer each of the modules one by one to get the entire load module image.

When an entire load image has transferred, the status of the bank will change from CORRUPT to AVAIL. Transfer file LML.ld first. Unless you see an information message ERROR WRITING FILE appear, assume each individual transfer has been successful.

Updating the Bootstrap Code on System Card Flash

How do I update the bootstrap code stored on system card flash?


  1. Access the SVC> prompt as described on page Accessing the Service Recovery Prompt (SVC>).

  2. Type the writeboot command and press Enter to write the bootstrap to system card flash from the specified software load bank.

  3. Type reboot and press Enter.

Updating the Operational Code

How do I update the operational code?

To update operational code when the IBM 2212 is operating normally:

  1. Access the OPCON prompt (*). See Accessing the OPCON Command Line Interface.

  2. From the OPCON prompt (*), type talk 6 and press Enter to reach the Config> prompt. If the Config> prompt does not appear, press Enter again.

  3. At the Config> prompt, type boot and press Enter. The Boot config> prompt will be displayed.

  4. At the Boot config> prompt, type TFTP get load mod and press Enter to get an operational load image from a server to the IBM 2212. See TFTP File Transfer using the Operating Software for instructions on using TFTP. The operational code on the hard drive or compact flash will be updated.
To update operational code when the IBM 2212 is operating in recovery mode:

To update the operational code on hard drive or compact flash, from the SVC> prompt, type TFTP and press Enter to get an operational load image from a server to the IBM 2212. See TFTP File Transfer using the Operating Software for instructions on using TFTP from SVC>.

To update the operational code on system card flash:

  1. Access the SVC> prompt as described on page Accessing the Service Recovery Prompt (SVC>).

  2. Type the writeos command and press Enter to write the a new version of operational code to the system card flash from the specified software load bank. The system prompts you for the bank from which to write the operational code.

  3. Type reboot and press Enter.

Using the Configuration Program's Communications Feature to Manage Configuration Files

How do I use the Configuration Program's communications feature and Send option to manage configuration files?

For optimal configuration management, it is recommended that you use the Configuration Program and its configuration database to manage all your IBM 2212 configuration files.

The design of change management facilitates good control of the configuration files. Keeping the ACTIVE file and the file that is stored in the configuration database the same assures that a copy of the ACTIVE file is always available.

When you use the Send option of the Configuration Program's communications feature to send a new configuration to the IBM 2212, the new configuration is written to the ACTIVE bank and overwrites the file located in the position just below the currently ACTIVE configuration. The new configuration is PENDING if a time is set for a reset. If the configuration file is sent without a specified time for the reset to occur, it gets AVAIL status.

For example, suppose that CONFIG 2 is ACTIVE. The new configuration file is written to CONFIG 3. It has a status of PENDING if a reset time is associated with it; if not, it has a status of AVAIL.

If the file has a status of PENDING, CONFIG 2 becomes AVAIL and CONFIG 3 becomes ACTIVE when a reset occurs. The next file that is sent from the Configuration Program will be placed in CONFIG 4. If a reset time is associated with the file, it will have the PENDING status and will become ACTIVE when the next reset occurs. If another file is then sent, it is placed in CONFIG 1 because the currently ACTIVE file is now in CONFIG 4. This arrangement results in a circular queue.

If the downloaded file has a status of AVAIL, a reset does not change its status. If another file is sent down, it overwrites that file because the ACTIVE file has not changed and the newly downloaded file always occupies the location just behind the ACTIVE file.

Example of Sending a File from the Configuration Program

For example, suppose that this is the view of the software that is displayed by the list command:

   Boot Config> list
   BANK A                          BANK B
    IMAGE - ACTIVE                  IMAGE - AVAIL
     CONFIG 1 - ACTIVE               CONFIG 1 - AVAIL
     CONFIG 2 - AVAIL                CONFIG 2 - AVAIL
     CONFIG 3 - NONE                 CONFIG 3 - AVAIL
     CONFIG 4 - NONE                 CONFIG 4 - NONE

The Configuration Program sends a config file to BANK A, CONFIG 2. If you use the restart router option of the Configuration Program's communications feature, the IBM 2212 performs a reset immediately and reinitializes using the new configuration.

After these actions, the IBM 2212 configuration looks like this:

   BANK A                          BANK B
    IMAGE - ACTIVE                  IMAGE - AVAIL
     CONFIG 1 - AVAIL                CONFIG 1 - AVAIL
     CONFIG 2 - ACTIVE               CONFIG 2 - AVAIL
     CONFIG 3 - NONE                 CONFIG 3 - AVAIL
     CONFIG 4 - NONE                 CONFIG 4 - NONE

CONFIG 1 has become AVAIL and CONFIG 2 has become ACTIVE.

If the Configuration Program were now used to send down a new configuration to the IBM 2212 and the file were not marked to be loaded at any specified time, the view of the software in the IBM 2212 would look like this:

   BANK A                          BANK B
    IMAGE - ACTIVE                  IMAGE - AVAIL
     CONFIG 1 - AVAIL                CONFIG 1 - AVAIL
     CONFIG 2 - ACTIVE               CONFIG 2 - AVAIL
     CONFIG 3 - AVAIL                CONFIG 3 - AVAIL
     CONFIG 4 - NONE                 CONFIG 4 - NONE

After this action, CONFIG 3 is AVAIL. The new configuration file has been loaded in this location.
Note:You should exercise caution here because any on-board configuration changes could result in overwriting the CONFIG 3 file. Because the configuration file in CONFIG 3 was sent down without any time specified for resetting the server, it is currently not in use. It can be overwritten either when another file is sent from the Configuration Program or when a file is saved using the write command from the command line interface. You can use the copy command to move it to another location to protect it (see Copying a File Using the Copy Command) or use the lock command to keep the configuration file from being overwritten.

Viewing the Files

How do I display the state of the operational software image and configuration files stored on the IBM 2212?

To use the change management tool in the command line interface to view the operational software image and the configuration files, follow these steps:

  1. From the OPCON prompt (*), type talk 6 and press Enter to reach the Config> prompt. If the Config> prompt does not appear, press Enter again.

  2. Type boot and press Enter. You will see the prompt Boot config>.

  3. Type list and press Enter. You will see a list similar to this one:
       Boot config> list
       BANK A                          BANK B
        IMAGE - ACTIVE                  IMAGE - AVAIL
         CONFIG 1 - ACTIVE               CONFIG 1 - AVAIL
         CONFIG 2 - AVAIL                CONFIG 2 - AVAIL
         CONFIG 3 - NONE                 CONFIG 3 - NONE
         CONFIG 4 - NONE                 CONFIG 4 - NONE

Each bank represents one image of the operational code. The images stored in BANK A and BANK B are stored on the hard drive or compact flash. The Configs represent the configuration files that are stored with each bank.

IMAGE refers to the status of the operational software and CONFIG refers to the status of the configuration files.

The possible IMAGE and CONFIG status:

This file is currently loaded in active memory and is running on the IBM 2212.
Note:The status of this file can be changed only by resetting the IBM 2212. If a config or an image is active, it is locked and cannot be overwritten or erased.

This is a valid file that can be made active.

This file was damaged or was not loaded onto the IBM 2212 hard drive or compact disk completely.

This file will be loaded and become active the next time the IBM 2212 is reloaded.

This file will become active at the next reset. This reset will cause the currently ACTIVE file to become PENDING. LOCAL is a status that makes a file ACTIVE only for one reset of the IBM 2212.

Only one bank at a time contains an ACTIVE image. Only one configuration file is ACTIVE and it must be within the ACTIVE bank.

To use the Service Recovery Interface (SVC>), to view the operational software and configuration files, follow these steps:

  1. Access the SVC> prompt as described on page Accessing the Service Recovery Prompt (SVC>).

  2. Type list. See step 3 in the previous section for an explanation of the information displayed on the terminal. You can also type describe at the SVC> prompt and press Enter to identify the levels of code on your IBM 2212.

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